A Private Wager by Chasity Bowlin & Wedding Wager

A Private Wager by Chasity Bowlin & Wedding Wager

Author:Chasity Bowlin & Wedding Wager [Bowlin, Chasity & Wager, Wedding]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2023-02-16T00:00:00+00:00


He’d been so eager to see her again, to kiss her again, that he had left the house early, hoping she might have done the same. As he’d approached the folly, he’d heard the sounds of a struggle, of angry, raised voices. Muffled by the trees and hedges, it had never occurred to him that one of those voices might be his cousin’s. What he’d seen upon entering the folly had made his blood grow cold. But only for a moment. Then his pulse had begun to race, fueled by a fury unlike anything he’d ever known. He lunged forward, grasping Barton’s arm and hauling him backward, pulling him off Lucy and sending the other man sprawling into the dirt and leaves.

“How dare you ever treat a lady in such a manner!” War snapped, his words clipped and angry. “I should call you out!”

“Do not! Please!”

That impassioned cry had come from Miss Dawes. She had managed to get to a seated position, but there was blood running down her arm from the tear in her sleeve, and a bruise was already beginning to form on her cheekbone, where Barton had struck her. She was thoroughly disheveled but remarkably calm, all things considered.

“You cannot possibly have any concern for him,” War stated stiffly.

“I have concern for my reputation, my lord. No woman has ever benefitted by men fighting a duel for her honor. It only serves to spread gossip farther and wider than it would have traveled otherwise,” she replied, her voice slightly tremulous as she climbed to her feet.

Glancing constantly between her and Barton, who was also getting to his feet, War knew that his battle with his cousin was far from over. Whatever Barton’s crimes, the man’s pride would not let him simply walk away, no matter that he’d clearly behaved in a heinous manner.

“Miss Dawes,” War said, “You should return to the house at once. I shall seek you out there after my cousin has been dealt with.”

Miss Dawes stared out through the arches of the folly and then looked back at him with an expression that was utterly forlorn. “It’s too late for that.”

As Barton’s attention appeared to have been drawn by something else, War risked a glance over his shoulder to see what had caused the sudden shift. Several of the guests stood there, all of them gaping at the tableaux they created: Miss Dawes, bloodied and battered in her torn clothing, and he and Barton, ready to pulverize one another like prize fighters at a fair. Their discovery in that situation was nothing short of disastrous.

With so many witnesses, he had to trust that Barton would not attack—at least for the moment. Removing his coat, he draped the garment over Miss Dawes shoulders. “I will escort you back to the house. We have much to discuss.”

“Such as your wager?” she snapped.

War sighed. “Yes. Amongst other things. And it is clearly not safe for you to walk alone. My cousin cannot be trusted.”

“That appears to be a trait you share, my lord.


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